Our Policies


Impartiality Policy

That we understand the importance of the impartiality in carrying out our management system certification activities, that we have identified and analyzed the possibilities to avoid Conflict of Interest and the threats to the impartiality, and that we safe guard from and manage the conflict of interest, and that we ensure the objectivities of management system activities.
This is achieved through:

Emirates Halal Center has an independent committee, who oversees that the rules and guidance of our impartiality process are implemented and followed, where each employee’s responsibility is to comply with the process and guidelines for impartiality.
This policy is therefore designed to:


認証活動において公平性の重要性を理解していること。 利害の対立と公平性への脅威を特定すること。 利益相反からを防止し、コントロールすること。管理制度に客観性を確保すること。
